HappyKidsWorld ChildCare Programs

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Infant and Toddler Program (12months to 3yrs)

Happy Kids World provides a clean and safe environment for all of the children. We have qualified staffs that are well-trained and certified with Infant and Toddler ECE. Our goal is to meet the developmental level of each child, specifying the child’s programs to his or her needs.

Our facility is licensed Group Childcare. They will be under the supervision of highly qualified caretakers the whole duration of each visit. There will always be one instructor for every 4 children.

Daily schedule is subject to change according to the different programs and situation.

Time & Activity

Daily Schedule (Infant and Toddler)

7:30 a.m Arrival, Parents sign in on daily attendance record
8:30 a.m Free Play
9:00 a.m Morning Snack – Diaper change, Washroom and wash hands in advance
9:30 a.m Circle time based on the theme(dancing, music, puppet play, stories)
10:00 a.m Outdoor Play
11:00 a.m Group Activity(Art, Craft, Science)
11:30 a.m Lunch - Diaper change, Washroom and Wash hand in advance
12:00 a.m Nap Time
2:30 p.m Afternoon Snack -Diaper change, Washroom and wash hands in advance
3:00 p.m Group Activity (puppet play, stories, game, puzzle, dramatic)
3:30 p.m Outdoor Play
4:30 p.m Free play and pick up
5:30 p.m Closing

3 to 5 years

Since most of a child’s brain development is completed by the age of two, and by the age of three, the child’s brain cell connections are 2.5 times that of an adult’s, we strive to aid the child’s development with stimulating activities and materials.

Unfortunately, as time passes, if a child does not receive the correct stimulus, the multitude of connections that have the potential to develop will dissipate. Giving the child the proper stimulus will foster the potential for optimizing this critical time in brain development.

A child’s earliest years are critical in the way he or she will perform later and how he or she will grow up to feel about him or herself. Children need to play and learn to gain self-esteem, confidence, leadership, and knowledge.

Subject to change according to the different programs.

Time & Activity

Daily Schedule (3 to 5 years)

7:30 a.m Arrival, Parents sign in on daily attendance record. Help children remove boots & coats and put on indoor shoes. Breakfast if needed
8:30 a.m Self-chosen activity
9:00 a.m Dance with music for stretching and exercise
9:30 a.m Morning Snack - Washroom and wash hands in advance
10:00 a.m Circle time based on the theme( puppet play, stories)
10:30 a.m Outdoor Play(Get ready to play outside: Wash hand after play)
11:30 a.m Story Time
12:00 a.m Lunch
12:30 p.m Washroom and brush teeth
1:00 p.m Nap time
2:30 p.m Afternoon Snack – Washroom and wash hands in advance
3:00 p.m Learning Activity (English, Math, Science)
3:30 p.m Outdoor Play
4:30 p.m Group Activity(Art, Craft, Music, Dancing, Games)
5:00 p.m Free play and Pick up
5:30 p.m Closing

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